WARNING: This Product Contains Nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.


Need to create your own GCC?

Elements Required in a GCC
Identification of the product covered by this certificate: Describe the product(s) covered by this certification in enough detail to match the certificate to each product it covers and no others. Citation to each consumer product safety regulation to which this product is being certified: The certificate must identify separately each consumer product safety rule administered by the Commission that is applicable to the product. Identification of the U.S. importer or domestic manufacturer certifying compliance of the product: Provide the name, full mailing address, and telephone number of the importer or U.S. domestic manufacturer certifying the product. Contact information for the individual maintaining records of test results: Provide the name, full mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the person maintaining test records in support of the certification. Date and place where this product was manufactured: For the date(s) when the product was manufactured, provide at least the month and year. For the place of manufacture provide at least the city (or administrative region) and country where the product was manufactured or finally assembled. If the same manufacturer operates more than one location in the same city, provide the street address of the factory. Provide the date(s) and place when the product was tested for compliance with the consumer product safety rule(s) cited above: Provide the location(s) of the testing and the date(s) of the test(s) or test report(s) on which certification is being based. Identification of any third party laboratory on whose testing the certificate depends: Generally, this section should be labeled “N/A” for a GCC because third party laboratory testing is not a requirement for non-children’s products. (It is only a requirement for children’s products and must be included in a CPC.) However, if a certifier voluntarily uses test results from a third party laboratory as the basis for issuing its GCC, the law requires that the certifier must then provide the name, full mailing address, and telephone number of the third party laboratory